
Moreschi: Wave your flag, wave your Bible, wave your sex or your business degree. Whatever you want, but don’t wave that thing at me.
Little Mu: Hmm… tempting.

Devoid of Substance

Judge01: So, Joe, what do you know?
Steve Slacker: Shoot, you know! I forgot what I know!
Judge01: I don’t know. OK.
Steve Slacker: I don’t know either!
Judge01: Why not?
Steve Slacker: Why? Why not?
Judge01: Why?
Steve Slacker: Why should I answer that?
Judge01: Why not?
Steve Slacker: Why?

A Terrible Psychiatrist

Braeden: The human obsession with emotion sickens me. We could get on very nicely together, if only I were free.
GarbageHead: You know, as much as I enjoy talking about this, I’ve all ready had this conversation with my psychiatrist. Could we talk about philosophy instead?

Pants On Fire

Milo: I remember you. You’re having a very good day.
Critical Bill: That’s not true. You must be thinking of someone else.
Milo: Either you live in the light of the truth or die in the shadow of lies.
Critical Bill: The latter.

A Gargler

AllGarbage: Some drink from the fountain of knowledge, but it looks like you just gargled.
Osiris: I’m not the brightest crayon in the box – what do you mean?


‘Bot #0001 Alpha: Do you like being?
Sandrock_04: Oh yes, Actually it’s probably one of my favorite way to spend time.
‘Bot #0001 Alpha: Good for you.