Your Momma Fight

Person: Did you know that your momma is so fat that when she sits down the earthquake alarms go off?
Julie Tinkerbell: Oh yeah? Well, your mother is so fat, she fell in love and broke it.
Person: Really, well your momma is so fat she lost your sister in her folds.
Julie Tinkerbell: Yo momma is so fat, the National Weather Agency has to assign names to her farts.
Person: Well your momma is so fat they’re considering making her a new state
Julie Tinkerbell: Well, look at YOUR mother! She’s so fat that after sex she smokes a ham! LOL
Person: Really, well your momma is so fat that when she eats the economy goes in to crisis.
Julie Tinkerbell: Well, your mother is so fat that she has been declared a natural habitat for Condors, and she dresses you like a Klutz.
Person: LOL, ok you win.
Julie Tinkerbell: Glad to make you laugh, Person!